SWH Therapy Creating a better future one step at a time.                                                                                                                         07973 759665    

Fears and Phobias

Are your fears disproportionate?

Fear is one of our most useful survival mechanisms. It is what lets us know that we need to take care of ourselves and the people in our lives. It is what tells us that we need to take action in certain situations.

However, when fear starts to become out of proportion to the object or situation that elicits fear, it has started to transform into a phobia. It is possible to be phobic towards almost anything; common phobias include dentists, heights, flying, water, clowns, spiders and many others. Phobias really serve no useful purpose and can hinder and negatively affect our lives.

Free yourself from phobias with hypnotherapy

If you are affected by a phobia, there is help at hand. Hypnotherapy can help you conquer your phobia in just four sessions.

If you feel it's time to act, please go to my contacts page and contact me today to make an appointment.

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